
Snow Day Indoor Sensory Survival Guide

Best for Moms of Littles

February 21, 2019

Kansas City Moms, I know this winter has been long and brutal. I feel you. With a record number of snow days, everyone seems to be going into desperation mode. Moms across KC are throwing money at anything and everything that might entertain their kids for longer than 15 minutes. Just yesterday two of my friends purchased new indoor trampolines today. Hey, I'm not judging, I'm right there with them, but ladies, we have to get a grip. We can do this! That stinkin’ groundhog didn’t see his shadow, so there has GOT to be a light at the end of this snowy tunnel. 

In the meantime, here are a few indoor boredom busters for those of you with littles. Each of these activities entertained my little one for at least long enough to make the setup worth it. Warning: most of these activities are messy, but we made the cleanup a fun activity too, learning how to sweep and scrub. I promise it'll be fun. Make a cup of coffee, head down to the basement to try and dig out a few of these items, and try for yourself!

The classic color the snow activity. Put warm water and food coloring into some squirt bottles, grab a pile of snow, and let them go to town.

Here are a few easy things you can do with colorful toothpicks!

Have some leftover tissue from the holidays? Grab a roll of contact paper on your next Target run, and you can set up this activity!

You might think I'm crazy with this next one, but is the activity that entertained her the longest. Go get that baby pool out of the basement, throw some rainbow rice (or just plain white rice), a few measuring cups and cupcake liners, and let em' go to town. 

Last, but certainly not least. Boil up some spaghetti noodles, and throw in a few drops of food coloring. Add some random "creatures", and a set of tongs for some squishy sensory fun.

I hope there is a least one idea here that you feel you can try this week. If you have ideas of your own, I'd love for you to share them over on our Facebook page!!